This is the old Traverse City State Hospital. In the photo is just one building on the hospital grounds which has many buildings. It was a mental asylum back in the day. The place was self sustaining so it had it's own electric generator, farm (apparently the grave of a world champion milk cow from here, is buried on the property- if I find it, I'll post an update), etc. My mom worked at this place when she was just out of nursing school. The place opened in 1885 and closed in 1989.
When my friends and I were younger we, along with lots of other people, would go exploring on the grounds. It had the most amazing mystique. There are tunnels underground going from building to building, wide off-white hallways and everything else you'd expect in an asylum.
Looking through a lot of the windows would deliver chills. It's been abandoned for some time now and it's undergoing a large renovation. The place is boarded up tighter than a snare drum now. In the sections that are renovated there's an art gallery, restaurant, wine room and lots of other business moving in. I'll always call it the State Hospital though and to me it'll always be spooky.