Friday, November 21, 2008

The place

Monica and I are similar in some ways and different in others. This photo that I took today kind of sums it up.
Separated by the door frame, the right side is my room and the left side is the hallway. Similar yet different. At times I'm kind of straight forward and simple while Monica's a little more eccentric. Guess who decorated which area?


Emily Katelyn said...

Hey Keith,
Did you do an internship at Traverse Magazine? I have a friend who is interested in getting in touch with them and I was wondering if you knew anyone there.

Anonymous said...

It seems different countries, different cultures, we really can decide things in the same understanding of the difference!
Personalized Signature:我喜欢淮安掼蛋,靖江青儿,南通长牌,姜堰23张,常州麻将这些地方言游戏