Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wild America

I was loading some things into my car just now for my trip up north tomorrow, when in front of me waddled this plump beaver. It just shuffled past real slow. So I loaded my stuff into my car in the one direction and it kept walking in the other. Then I went inside to get my camera. I tried to get a few photos but it was so hard to focus in the dark. It's not like they're endangered or anything but it was still cool.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The place

Monica and I are similar in some ways and different in others. This photo that I took today kind of sums it up.
Separated by the door frame, the right side is my room and the left side is the hallway. Similar yet different. At times I'm kind of straight forward and simple while Monica's a little more eccentric. Guess who decorated which area?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


While shooting assignments, I'll occasionally encounter a person (usually a kid) where no matter how long I'm there and how inconspicuous I try to make myself, they are constantly aware of the camera. Tonight, while covering a play rehearsal, I encountered a child who was a tad camera-aware.