Thursday, May 31, 2007


There was a nice storm the other evening and this fisherman had the pier to himself because of it.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


My girl. Love that smile

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Bake Sale

This woman was working the 'Bake Sale' table during a fundraiser for her neighbor of 43 years whose house was lost to a fire. Her name is Dorma and she had more will power than I would've had in front of all those baked goods.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


No this is not the mountains of Peru, but instead a llama farm north of Charlevoix, MI. But don't tell this guy that, he's as pround as can be of his heritage. Llamas have banana-shaped ears and Alpacas have straighter ears. So this is a Llama. Possibly one of the coolest, and in this case, stoic, looking animals ever.


I was taking pictures during Mother's Day church service in Algonac, MI and this little girl was having a good time looking back at the congregation.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


...that's the name of the snake, a California King Snake owned by the 7th grade science class of Central Middle School. I was there shooting an assignment for something else when the kids started getting out the snake. It reminded me of a snake I had when I was in seventh grade, a yellow rat snake. It was a cool snake until it escaped and I found it five years later, dead, in our house's heating duct.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Big Juan

My girlfriend and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary by eating at one of our favorite restaurants, La Seniorita. It just so happened to be "Big Juan" month where upon ordering the 4lb. Big Juan burrito, one receives a t-shirt. Upon eating the ENTIRE burrito, one gets their picture on the Hall of Fame in La Senorita.

Here's my t-shirt and if you look on the Hall of Fame in the Mt. Pleasant, MI La Senorita, you'll find my picture.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Excitement !!

I know when I think of excitement, I think of Golden Corral. What happens in Port Huron stays in Port Huron